Thursday, September 18, 2008

A good line

Having finished the book Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy, I thought I would share a line from it.
"If you owned a business and you spent as much time with it as you do with your wife and family, how successful do you think that business would be?"
The introduction to this book said it was not about football but about Tony's principles, practices and leadership style. That was the primary focus, but it was not without many, many, play by plays of games that he had played in and coached. The weird part is that I actually remembered some of those games and knew a lot of the players names.
Let's see.... I have read a golf related book, A Good Walk Spoiled and now a football related book. Will any guys be willing to read a good romance or sewing book??


Dennis Peskey said...

You are getting such an excellant perspective between golf and football. Why would a "guy" want to exhaust time in a "romance" novel; the sewing instruction does have some pragmatic value.

Tina Esch said...

I'll start by saying that I think the quote is great. And since Dennis points out YOUR spelling errors, I'll end by pointing out that Dennis spelled EXCELLENT wrong. Hahahah. :)

Sewing Grandma said...

What a great "catch" on the spelling error! Love it!!!