Friday, September 26, 2008

A good week

Great progress in the book area this past week! Most of these are on CD and I listen to them to and from work and then again if I take a walk in the evening. It makes me feel like I am making good use of my time.
In the sewing arena, I love the little baby quilt that I just finished. It won't be in my possession much longer since it will go to baby Emily Grace on Sunday when she will celebrate her Holy Baptism.


Tina Esch said...

"The Day I Ate Anything I Wanted' sounds yummy!! I'd eat pancakes for breakfast, german chocolate cake for lunch, lasagne for dinner and I'd top it off with peanut butter no-bakes for desert. Mmmmm...

Val said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and entering my give away by sending my sweet Granny a birthday card. Make sure and put your blog address and email on card. Thank you for blessing my Granny on her 96th birthday! I think this will be her best birthday ever. I will add your blog to my blog list.

diplofam said...

Hi! this is Carin from Margaret's Hope Chest. Just responding to your comment left on the blog-we would happily receive any quilt donation-squares are a suggestion but we will take anything. Our mailing address is on the right-hand column of our blog! Thanks for helping!